SilverTree Community
Welcome To The SilverTree
Homeowners Association
There are 79 properties in SilverTree, with an active Board that is here to serve you.
We sponsor events throughout the year and see to it that our common areas are well-maintained.
& ARC Requests
& Violations
HOA Dues
& Admin
Community Updates & Upcoming Events
Self Management
We have moved to self management as of November 1st 2023. Please check your emails for information on getting logged into the association platform from Community Financials.
Emerald Ash Borer
The emerald ash borer (EAB) is a destructive, non-native insect responsible for the death or decline of millions of ash trees and is advancing in Colorado.
Trash Bins
The board asks that you store your trash bins out of site for non-trash days. Trash Days are Monday evening - Tuesday evening.
Handyman John Schermerhorn
(303) 999-6277
Madd Hatter Chimney Sweep
(303) 537-4042
Jesse Florez
Alpine High Home Services
(970) 534-9331
No Parking Zones
In order for ambulances and fire trucks to get to reach an emergency, adhere to parking rules.
Mediation Services
Would you like some assistance in resolving a dispute? The City of Lakewood offers residents free and confidential mediation services with professionally trained mediators.