2024 Budget

Hey SilverTree Community,

For legal notice purposes, the meeting location is at The Clubhouse 

1137 S Flower Cir Lakewood, CO 80232.

Notice of 2024 Budget Meeting

In accordance with Article III, Section 2, of the Association Bylaws, we hereby announce that the 2024 Budget Meeting of the Silvertree Community Association will be held as follows:

Date: Thursday, December 28th

Time: 6:30 PM

We strongly encourage your attendance at this important Budget Ratification Meeting. The meeting will take place at the aforementioned time and location. In case you cannot attend, or are uncertain of your availability, we kindly request that you return your completed proxy form to the board.

Quorum and Budget Details

A quorum, comprising 67% of the ownership, is required to veto. The proposed 2024 budget reflects an increase in monthly dues from $93.50 to $125.00. This adjustment is necessary due to rising utility costs, amendments to documents, and essential maintenance updates within our community, including road maintenance. The decision to propose this increase was made with significant homeowner input and is deemed suitable for the community's needs.

Enclosures and Your Participation

Below, you will find the detailed budget for your reference. Please ensure to bring your copy with you to the meeting. Your active participation is crucial to the effective functioning of our community. We greatly appreciate your involvement and look forward to your valuable input during the meeting.

2024 Budget Mailer